
Environmental protection export initiative

Wastewater treatment for efficient water use in Côte d’Ivoire

The RecyH2O feasibility study addresses the “water and wastewater management” field of action of the Environmental Protection Export Initiative and contributes to its funding policy objectives. It also shows potentials and risks for the introduction of FlexBio Technologie GmbH’s sustainable and innovative solution – FlexBio-AFBBM – for wastewater problems in Côte d’Ivoire. To this end, potential obstacles such as technical adaptability, regulatory framework conditions and acceptance of the technology by the target groups were analyzed. Another aim of this project was to identify potential areas of application for the use of FlexBio technology in Côte d’Ivoire. In order to demonstrate the advantages and benefits of the FlexBio solution for the environment and human health, stakeholders in the target country were also sensitized to the topic of sustainable wastewater treatment.



We want to lay the foundation for sustainable, decentralized and energy self-sufficient wastewater treatment worldwide, because reliable and affordable water supply and wastewater management are essential for healthy lifestyles, economic growth, environmental protection and ecological sustainability.



Côte d’Ivoire is one of the economic engines of West Africa and has been in a transformation phase since 2012. Sustainable wastewater treatment remains a challenge for the West African country.



FlexBio has developed a process that enables very effective fermentation. The process can be used in particular for liquid substrates and various organically contaminated wastewater and enables the effective and efficient removal of wastewater contaminants in just a few process steps as well as a lasting positive energy balance could be used successfully in Côte d’Ivoire.

Our goals


Identify potentials and risks for the introduction of FlexBio Technologie GmbH’s sustainable and innovative solution – FlexBio-AFBBM – for wastewater problems in Côte d’Ivoire

The results of this feasibility study form the basis for making informed decisions for the introduction and implementation of FlexBio’s wastewater technology in Côte d’Ivoire. This feasibility study therefore analyzed the target market and conditions for the introduction of the technology.


Identification of potential application areas for the use of FlexBio technology in Côte d’Ivoire and definition of customer target groups

Cooperation with local partners is essential for the implementation of a pilot project to demonstrate the performance of the FlexBio-AFBBM wastewater treatment technology. As part of this feasibility study, contact was therefore made with stakeholders from politics, business and industry with the aim of identifying areas of application and discussing the scope of cooperation.


Analysis of obstacles such as technical adaptability, regulatory framework conditions

Applicable national framework conditions and licensing regulations in Côte d’Ivoire for the introduction and use of foreign technologies, including water and wastewater technologies, as well as building regulations were examined in more detail. In addition, obstacles such as technical adaptability and acceptance of the technology by the target groups were analyzed.


Raising awareness of the issue of sustainable wastewater treatment among stakeholders in the target country

By presenting options for wastewater treatment and reuse, the environmental knowledge and awareness of stakeholders in the project country was raised for improved wastewater disposal. The implementation of a pilot project would thus not only contribute to optimized wastewater management in Côte d’Ivoire and to minimizing the environmental impact, but would also relieve the high water demand in the country by saving the amount of water that has so far been used uniquely in industry and agriculture.


Practical insights into FlexBio’s innovative wastewater technology and the possibilities for wastewater treatment and reuse are provided by

In order to demonstrate the importance of using our FlexBio-AFBBM system, it is essential that potential users are informed about the importance of wastewater management for environmental protection and the benefits of wastewater management. A workshop and various working meetings were therefore held to provide a practical insight into this innovative wastewater technology. Although there was no practical demonstration of the performance of the FlexBio-AFBBM plant on site, it was possible to convince stakeholders of the environmental benefits of this wastewater treatment technology and the opportunities it offers by presenting reference projects.

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